Oh my, I just love summer.
The smells: sunscreen, chlorine, freshly mowed grass, and barbeques.
The sounds: kids squealing and splashing in the water, Eli singing "hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog" every time we walk outside, and concerts in the park.
The sights: beach towels out on porches to dry, leaves on the trees, water in the pool, people on their porches, kids EVERYWHERE.
I am SO HAPPY summer is here!

My mom came to visit us earlier this month! Craig was out of town on a high adventure campout with the 14-16yr old boys from church so I begged asked my mom to come out to Colorado to be with the boys and me. She came on Wed. June 12 and left late on Tues. June 18. I taught swim lessons in the mornings so she stayed home with the boys and played cars, held basketball tournaments, read books, and had yummy snacks while I was gone(which was just an hour and a half or so). when I would get home, we'd eat then the boys would nap. It was so nice having her here because she would just step up and change a diaper, empty the dishwasher, or cook without saying a word. It was SO nice. After Craig got home from the campout we went to Dan and Stacy's to eat and visit. Then Monday we went to downton Golden and ate at a local Pizzeria(so yummy!), walked on the trail by the river and played at the park. It was a busy week with me teaching swim lessons, but I'm glad that the boys were able to have the time with her that they did. It was so fun to talk to her and hear her advice and ask her questions. I love when my family is all together, but I also love the quiet moments that I get with each person(maybe that's why I'm so excited that people are coming to visit this summer one at a time. :)) Eli is still asking about Grandma and when she's coming to back to play. I didn't really take my camera around much when she was here, but I did get them playing games on the computer(which Eli LOVED, of course). Thanks for coming to visit! |

Eli playing in the river and at the playground at Bellview Park. Of course I forgot to take a
picture of him and Grandma on the cute train that they have there...oh
With warmer weather, Craig has been riding his bike to work everyday. Wednesday was Colorado's official bike to work day. There were little breakfast stations and t-shirts that they gave out in different stations in the Denver metro area. Since he bikes everyday anyway, might as well get a
goofy sweet shirt!
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