When in California, we were able to attend Laleinia and Alastair's wedding. Laleinia was one of my best friends in high school, so it was so fun to be able to see her so happy. She was a GLOWING, beautiful bride!

Eli and Craig outside
Me with two of the lovely bridesmaids, Breanne and Carly
A week later, we were able to go down for Craig's sister's wedding. She,too, looked STUNNING! I didn't get very many pictures because Eli was so busy chatting and clapping during the whole ceremony, but it really was beautiful. We are so happy for Kristina, James and Keaton--they make a pretty cute family. :)
(I know what you are thinking....this is the best picture you have? yes. yes,in all of it's blurry glory, it is.)
The next sequence of pictures is Eli with his Grandpa Fisher who all the grandkids adore.... enjoy.
love, Love, LOVE! :)