Tuesday, November 16, 2010


He is smiling a lot now!
Hanging out with Aunt Mallory
We had a great time with M&M this past weekend.  Thanks for coming to visit!  and Mark, Kimi won...
He sure loves his Mama!
Eli loves to play with his little 'friends' aka the brightly colored mushroom, owl, racoon, and hedgehog hanging on his bouncer.  He will stare at them for the longest time.  He also loves to 'talk' to them.  It is so cute!

Ha ha ha, this picture still makes me laugh everytime I see it!  He apparently wasn't too fond of church a couple of Sundays ago.  He had two nasty blowouts and soiled both of his outfits, so we had to take him home in just his diaper!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Eli is 2 months old!

Our little man is growing up!  Today he is two months old, so we thought we'd put up some pictures.
Hanging out with his lil doggy in his crib.  Eli dosen't sleep in his crib, but he will someday soon.

This is a little bit late, but here we are at the ward Halloween party dressed up as tourists.  I love Eli's little Hawaiian shirt!

Eli loves his belly time, although most of the time he'd rather be on his back.  He has, a few times, rolled over from his belly to his back.  He is also getting really strong at holding his head up.  go baby Eli!

Mama K and baby hanging out.  Eli has put on a few pounds in the past couple of months(notice the double chin) :)

hangin' in his bouncer staring at the light on the ceiling in his muscle tee

Our little man is starting to smile, but not consistently, so we haven't been able to get a good picture, but he has the cutest smile!  We love our little man and can't believe he is already two months!